To my chagrin, Jake turns up his nose to any kind of meat, fish or egg. Since he's my first, of course I'm worried about his omega 3's and protein intake. I can't sneak in fish oil, his taste buds are too smart for that. So my refrigerator has turned into a powder laboratory, from maca powder, to chia and flax seeds, then add the probiotics and green powder that I put in my morning's absurd. Here is a picture of some of them...
So why not add a few of my potions for a treat with tea and make them even heather! Chia is loaded with omega 3's and are becoming a new superfood. And Maca is packed with vitamins and minerals.
Here it goes...THE MACA CHIA LOAF! My baking mix includes chia but this gives it an extra shot of this super seed. For those of you just reading my blog, my flour is mixed with quinoa, teff and brown rice, so these are some pretty healthy treats.
1 and 3/4 cup of amy ruth's baking mix
½ cup of goat yogurt
2 eggs
¼ cup of oil
1 tablespoon of maple syrup
½ cup of pear puree
1/3 cup of sweetener or sugar to taste
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/8 cup of maca powder
1/4 cup of chia seed gel (take 1/8 cup of chia seeds and mix with 1 cup of coconut water) keep in fridge for a few hours, this will yield a small bowl of gel) just use 1/8 of a cup and you can put the rest in smoothies for the next week.
1/2 cup of blueberries (I used frozen)
Mix all ingredients together, throw in blueberries at the end and bake in a 9 by 5 loaf pan for 40 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. (180 c)
Oh Jake, why can't you eat a steak!
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